Van Den Brande Brothers (Berlaar, BE): a genuine sprint breed at the
highest level
They have been outstanding in the highly competitive Diamond Union, one of the
strongest Ententes in the sprint in the province of Antwerp. This team has excelled
on a weekly basis in the races from Quievrain and Noyon, and this resulted in
numerous championship titles as well. They were again outstanding in
Frans & Marcel Van Den Brande, with Carl (Marcel’s son) in the middle
A top-level team for years
The Van den Brande Brothers (Frans & Marcel), with the help of Marcel’s son Carl, have been one of
the teams to beat in the sprint competition. This team has won top prizes in the races from Quievrain
and Noyon on a weekly basis, both in their own club in Berlaar and in the Diamond Union. They also
started to get great results in their other union (Langs De Nete) in basketing club Bevel as of 2017,
which was in fact their first season in this union.
General Champion Quievrain
Ace Pigeon Quievrain yearlings
General Champion Quievrain + Noyon
Ace Pigeon Quievrain old’s
Champion Quievrain yearlings
Champion Noyon old’s
Champion Noyon
General Champion Noyon
Champion Quievrain old’s
Ace Pigeon Noyon old’s
Ace Pigeon Noyon yearlings
Champion Quievrain young birds